Monday, November 17, 2008

At Grandma & Grandpa's

This weekend I got to stay at Grandma and Grandpa's house while Mama was 4-Hin' and Daddy was off Horsin' Around! We went shopping and I got really cool stuff at the John Deere place. I know have a John Deere hat (that actually fits my head!), John Deere shoes and a tractor that really rolls and then opens up into a book.

We ate lots of food! Grandma cooked for me and took me out to eat - I really like mashed potatoes with gravy. I even got to ride in Grandma's antique stroller!
On Sunday we got dressed up and went to church with Ma and Pa. Then, Grandma and Grandpa took me to meet Mama so I could go home. I was glad to see Mama and be home, but I can't wait to go back to Grandma & Grandpa's!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome, Clyde

I have a new friend – he helped me realize mom is a sucker. I met him at Wal Mart and from the moment I saw him I couldn’t stop grinning and hugging him!
He is so soft – I named him Clyde the Clydesdale Christmas Pony, but you can call him Clyde. I can even sit on him and ride! I am thinking he can sleep with me in the crib but Mama may take some convincing!

I’m a Monkey, Too!

I have become a monkey like my brother (refer to the State Fair Posts if you don’t get that reference.)
Grandma found this on the clearance rack and thought it would make good pj’s – she was right, it is warm and snuggly – I have to say, it makes me feel even more inclined to climb on things!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nine Months Old Today

Well, yesterday - but close enough! I am even getting a tooth finally (truth be told it is not as fun as it sounds.) I will be glad when the "teething" part is over and we can get to chewing. I go for my check up tomorrow, but I already know I weigh about 17 pounds. I keep growing - I will be one before you know it!

Why Walk When You Can Ride

I have been experimenting with steps – as long as I have someone to help, I can walk anywhere.
I am secretly hoping for a wagon for Christmas, then it won’t matter if I can walk or not. Until I have a wagon, I have Daddy. He tied a piece of yarn to the laundry basket and drove me all over the house.
It was a great ride! Thanks, Daddy!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa

Another November Birthday! Since we were there we had Birthday with Grandpa, too.
I gave him two very special gifts with my picture on them. (More details after Papa’s birthday – he is November, too)

Little Cowboys Fan

Before I was born Nana and Papa got me an OSU Cowboys windsuit. I am finally big enough to wear it! I look so good in orange. OSU lost to Texas Tech (that is Mama’s school) but I still love them. All the excitement wore me out.

Happy Birthday, Ma

Me and Mama went to Carlsbad for Ma’s 75th Birthday Party! What fun! I had a special shirt that said “I heart Ma” and had her picture on it.
There was birthday cake and homemade ice cream – Grandpa shared his with me (well a little before Mama cut me off.)
I played and loved on everyone – I was very interested in Ma’s flowers – they looked mighty tasty. It was fun to see everyone! I wish all my other cousins could have been there, but Mason and I represented them well!

Fun with Grandma & Grandpa

I always find new and fun things at Grandma & Grandpa’s house. The highchair I eat in is the same one Mama and Uncle Shawn used when they were babies. Grandma also has teapots she has collected. I hate to say Grandma is wrong, but if it is baby size and in baby reach – it must be for baby! I have a feeling when I go back that miniature tea set will be missing.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sippy- Dee-Do-Da

I can do it! I can drink out of a sippy cup. Somehow juice just tastes better out of a cup. Mom found some little cups at the dollar store – they are just right to hold on to and get a big ol’ gulp. I can even take the lids off – for some reason mom says we have to get some different sippy cups, but I like these!

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Saturday was my Daddy’s Birthday! Grandma & Grandpa got him a Farrier Box for all his horsey tools – I think it looks like a great toy shelf and is just the right size to pull up on, but Mama says it is Daddy’s.
Grandma also baked him a cake with candles on it. I helped blow out the candles so we could eat the cake.
Mom and I got Daddy a shadow box with my picture in it and some of my overalls. I hope Daddy had a great Birthday. My favorite part was the wrapping and unwrapping!

Trunks ‘o Treats

For Halloween we went to church and set up at Trunks ‘o Treats. Grandma even came to go with us. We took pictures of the kids in their costumes and helped them make frames. I only saw the first few – then I got to sleep in the car while everyone else worked – Dad did let me eat a sucker – I’ve got this Halloween thing figured out.
Our family matched. My Mama was Lucy – she even had saddle shoes! I am a little disappointed that she wouldn’t hold a football for me, but maybe next year.
Nolie was Woodstock and Oscar was Snoopy.

Grandma went as Charlie Brown's Grandma.My Daddy was Charles Brown, Sr. We matched right up to our hairstyles.

Halloween 4-H Style

I went with mom to the 4-H office for a special Halloween lunch. I got to eat potatoes and carrots out of the stew and hang out while they presented a gift to Frank for Bosses’ Day. I was a little confused as I am pretty sure I am the boss, but I let him have his moment.

Harvest Party at Ms. Darcy’s

On Friday we had a party at Ms. Darcy’s. I got to be an M&M so that I wouldn’t get my Charlie Brown clothes dirty. Mom got to stay for the party and play with us!

We had 10 kids! There were even 4 babies! Mom helped the big kids do some crafts and we all posed for a picture – well sort of. I was the only one who would just sit there and by the time everyone else was sitting there, I was tired of sitting there and I moved on!
Let me give you the run down – Ben was Darth Vader, Avery was a strawberry, Weston was a football player, Calee was a fairy, Patrick was Eeyore, Coniger was a very unhappy dragon, Jace was Elmo, Holly was a butterfly and Addie was a sweet flower (and she had the right idea).