Thursday, November 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandpa

Today is Grandpa's Birthday, but since we were there last weekend we celebrated early. He had asked for a Drywaller's Square - this was a cool present because it was big enough to measure me with! I hope Grandpa has a great birthday, even though I can't be there.

Santa Smanta

So last Friday Mama took me to the mall to get pictures with Santa. We went with Holly and Eli. Emmalee came, too, even though she didn't get her picture done. I did it, but I didn't like it much. I am not to sure about this Santa person. We did get to play with the cool bead table at the studio and after photos we had Chic-Fil-A. That was the best part. It was pretty fun to hang out with all my friends!

Happy Anniversary Ma & Pa

Last weekend I went with Mama and Daddy to Carlsbad to celebrate Ma and Pa's 60th Wedding Anniversary. All the cousins came and we had lots of fun!! I fell in the parking lot on the way in and scratched up my face, but that didn't slow me down for long - I even got to play football with the big boys. There was lots of family and friends. We had a family dinner that night and I played and danced for everyone - even using Cousin Jaycie as a tunnel. I also helped decorate the cake with Cousin Caleb. On Sunday we all went to church with Ma & Pa. I wish we could all get together more often - I miss everyone already!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Giving for Christmas

Every year our church donates gift boxes to children in need through Samaritans Purse. This year I got to help Mama and Daddy make the boxes! We put in dolls for the girls and cars for the boys. Everyone got storybooks and candy canes. It is amazing what you can fit in a shoebox! Mama went online and signed up our boxes so we can find out where they go - I will keep you posted. Now we just need to pray for the children who get our boxes.

I'm a Big Kid!

This weekend Grandma and Grandpa came to bring me a big boy bed! It fits just right in my wagon and I can use the quilt Mama made me last Christmas. It is good for jumping (though Mama says no jumping!) for sleeping and snuggling. Me and Grandpa even took a nap on it together! I got new shelves, too. All the baby stuff went to Pumpkin's room. He doesn't have a wagon like me, Grandpa build him a barn to sleep in, complete with chickens in the hay loft!I admit it is pretty cool, but since I have a big boy bed, I don't care much where Pumpkin sleeps.

Sweet Dreams!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Sunday was Daddy’s Birthday. We had a special cake complete with candles I helped blow out. He got cards from Nana & Papa and Aunt Judy, Uncle Wade & Kenley. Grandma and Grandpa sent him one, too. I got him a picture of me and mama in a cool horseshoe frame. Me and Pumpkin went together and got him a new tie chain. I liked helping open the presents, and cleaning up the mess! It was a pretty fun party – I hope Daddy liked it!

Trick or Treat

Daddy had a meeting in Albuquerque, so Mama and me went to Carlsbad to have Halloween with Grandma and Grandpa. I got to get all dressed up in my Rodeo Clown costume and Trick or Treat. We went to the mall, which was just right for me, because we were early and there was plenty of room for me to go from place to place. I figured out quick to hold out my horse bucket and wait for candy. Everyone thought I was just too cute. I really liked the popcorn from the Popcorn Stand. Then we trick or treated at Ma and Pa’s house were the treat is always Pumpkin Cookies! It was really fun and I am glad I got to go with Grandma and Grandpa.

Music Man

I have been telling you all I can play the harmonica, but now I can do duets! When Grandpa plays his fiddle, I can play along and dance! Grandpa let me try the fiddle out and I think I was pretty good, but he says I should stick to the harmonica for awhile.

Happy Halloween

Mama made it home from NY just in time to come to my Halloween Party at Ms. Darcy’s. Daddy came for a while, too! We played lots of games and made special Halloween treats, like Mummy suckers and Ghost prints from our feet! I really liked the ghost bowling, but ghost hunting was fun, too. Another exciting Halloween Surprise was a card from Nana and Papa – it plays the Monster Mash and I like to dance to it. I think there might have been money in it to start with, but Daddy took it to the bank. It makes a good hat, too! So far I love Halloween.

I Love a Parade

NMSU’s Homecoming was October 24. Daddy’s Horseman’s Association made a float and they needed a little cowboy to ride the rocking horse – naturally I volunteered. Mama had already left for her conference, so Daddy got me all duded up for the parade. I made it about halfway through the parade on the float. I am so proud that Daddy remembered to take a picture so I can show everyone how cute I was!