Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sippin’ Baby

I can drink through a straw! Mama let me try her tea at lunch – normally I chew on the straw a little and get bored, but I have been practicing on the sly! To everyone’s surprise, including my own – I was able to get tea through the straw! I drank lots of water today because I could drink through the straw like a big boy! I fell asleep before Mama got a picture, but we will try tomorrow! Be sure you click on older posts to see all my Christmas adventures!

All Dressed Up

I have a new sport coat. I look very dashing in my navy corduroy jacket with leather patches on the sleeves.
I was able to get all dressed up for church with Mama and Daddy.

My Wagon

Grandma & Grandpa gave me my very own covered wagon! I love it!
We ride around the driveway and down to Ma & Pa’s house. I can go from front to back and wave bye to everyone as we go. I can push it myself, but I need lots of room!

Merry Christmas from Santa

Christmas morning was really cool! I got up and saw that Santa had eaten my cookies! He left me a whole stocking full of books and new rubber duckies.
I got the Little People Barn and Stable with lots of animals and farmers – they make noise just like real animals. They match the tractor Nana and Papa gave me. Santa knows what I like!

Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we went to Ma & Pa’s house. There were lots of fun people and Mexican food to eat.
There were even more presents - which I helped Grandma pass out!
I wore my Santa bib and kept the hat on just long enough for one quick picture.
Then it was back to Grandma & Grandpa’s to have big fun with Uncle Shawn. I got a new quilt from Mama and Daddy made of bandanas and more fun toys and flannel jackets.
I was so wound up I barely fell asleep so Santa could come!

Preserving the Memories

Mama and I made handprint ornaments for the tree. Daddy helped some, too. The best thing about making handprints is how the plaster squishes between your fingers when you squeeze it – the worst thing is Mama grabbing your hand, wiping it off, then shaking the mold to flatten the handprint you just made only to stick your hand in again!
Finally I just moved my thumb a little, so it didn’t turn out too bad. Mom put my name and the year on it then tied on a ribbon.

Babushka Baby

I mentioned earlier a tea set that would be finding a new home at Grandma’s. Well, sure enough, the tea set was gone, but in it’s place was a set of stacking Santa Dolls (Babushkas).
I have stacked them and rattled them all over the house – I even figured out how to put one inside the other. I know it is time for Santa to be put away, but I am holding out for Grandma’s Elvis Babushkas to be there next time!

Slidin’ Fool

Pa found this great slide and it is just my size!
I can climb on it and slide down – I still bonk my head if I don’t have a little help, but if you put me on the top I am ready to go!
Look closely - the static makes my hair stand up!

How Many Days of Christmas?

Mama was worried I might be overwhelmed by Christmas – everyone loves me so much they give me special stuff!
We decided to open two or three presents everyday to make it more fun – man did I get cool stuff, there were things to wear, toys to play with and even a cool OSU frame from Aunt Judy.
I made quite a haul – and it was perfect having a few things everyday.

Helpin’ Mama

It takes a lot of work to get ready for Christmas, luckily Mama had me to help this year. I may not wrap so good, but I am great at quality control!
These packages will stand the test and are ready to be packed up!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Daddy's Helper

Mama and Daddy got a new bed! It is a big one, so it was lots of work to put together.
I knew Daddy needed help - and I am a good helper!

Two Teeth are Better Than One

I love to chew on stuff! Ms. Darcy feeds me Cheerios and Mama gave me this great spaghetti stuff - two teeth are twice the fun!

Future Dishwasher

I can help - I like dishes, especially those that you can bang together, so when I find a bunch of dishes, I have to check it out!

Baby on Board

Mama put this cool bowl out on the coffee table for me to play with. She even puts snacks for me in it - I believe this is an attempt to distract me from the dog food bowl. I figured out another use for it - I fit just right!
No one was around to push me so I climbed out again.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

10 Months Old Today!

I am 10 whole months old today! Just yesterday my second tooth broke through! I am becoming less of a gummer everyday, which is good, since I like to eat lots of solid foods!

I was quite handsome in my new outfit (an early gift from Aunt Judy) and my Charlie Brown shoes as I went off to Ms. Darcy's!
And the shoes are tasty, too - just right for trying out my new tooth!

Monday, December 8, 2008

All Hail King Jesus

Last night I got to make my acting debut as Baby Jesus for the Church on the Rock. They didn't have any baby boys to be Jesus for their Night in Bethlehem, so I was volunteered.
It was really fun. I took my part serious and didn't cry even once! I sat in the manger some, but mostly I sat with Mama. She was a nice Bthlehem lady that helped Mary & Joseph with the baby.
Everyone said I was a great Baby Jesus. I took my lamb - it was the most Nativity like toy I had, and it fell in the hay. I was very concerned and spend sometime picking off the hay.
The whole gang from Ms. Darcy's came, too!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ready for Christmas

Mama has been decorating for Christmas. I have my own special Christmas books to read and everything! I am not to sure about this Christmas thing yet, but I will figure it out!

Pound Puppy

It isn’t quite as good as a monkey trap, but this cool puppy hamper is pretty fun, too!


Sometimes Mama says I am too big for my britches, but the truth is my britches are too big for me! Mama & Daddy got me some suspenders to help me keep them up. I think they look dashing!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I love Santa

Mama & Daddy took me to see Santa Claus. Me and Mama waited in line and finally it was our turn. Luckily I found some little girls to flirt with while we waited!
I was so in awe of Santa I forgot to tell him what I want, but he knows, he always knows!

Walking Baby

I love to walk – as long as I have something to push and hold onto.
Papa and Nana got me a truck that I can push for Christmas – Mama let me open it (I think she got confused because I had on Christmas pj’s) and she put it all together – I love it!
I will drive anything I can get hold of - I even took the box for a spin before I climbed on.

Before long maybe I can do it without holding on. I even practiced walking with Pa and Caleb last weekend!
The real question is what happened to those other presents from Nana & Papa?

Happy Anniversary, Ma & Pa

On top of all the November birthdays, Ma & Pa’s anniversary is in November.
I gave them matching “Hogs the Blanket” pillowcases and a light up Christmas pig. I think they liked it!