Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yea for the Chiropracter!

Today was Dr. Mitchell day! That makes it the best day! I go with Mama and Daddy every few weeks to get an adjustment! It feels so good. I love the table with all the buttons and handles - but they are on to me - they lock it before I come in so nothing works. I get up on the table like a big boy now and get all aligned!

Squash and Such

I finally got to pick a squash - it is all yellow and bumpy!! So cool. It looked good enough to eat!After we picked the squash me and Daddy took one of the watermelons that broke off to feed the horses. They seemed to like it. I tasted it, too - it wasn't as good as the watermelon when it turns red, but not too bad. Here is a new picture of my colt (well, mine and Grandpa's), Dude. He didn't like the watermelon much, but he loves hay and grain!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Meeting Pumpkin

So you know I am going to be a big brother, what you may not know if I am going to have a little brother! Yep, it's a boy. Today I went with Mama and Grandma to the doctor and I got to see Pumpkin on the TV - he even waived at me! It was pretty fun. He is a picture of him - I think he looks like me. Afterward me and Mama looked back at all the pictures of my new brother.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Watermelon Man

I thought I would share a quick update on my garden. The watermelons are growing! We picked some, but decided they aren’t really ready to eat. I don’t care – it was cool just to get to pick them and see what we had made! Watch in the next couple of weeks for a squash update!

State 4-H Conference

Last week was State 4-H Conference. Mama and Daddy both had lots of stuff to do, so I ended up staying home and taking care of Grandma. We played lots and ate the cookies she had baked. I helped her do laundry and dishes, too. We even went shopping and got some clothes for Pumpkin (who I still hope will be a monkey) and monkey stuff for my bathroom. On Thursday night we got to go to the special awards. I even helped Mama line up the Congress Winners and pushed them when it was their turn to walk up to the stage. My favorite things were the stars the light guy projected on the ceiling and playing with Tanner. We took turns with his stroller and between the two of us we must have made a thousand steps (all running, of course) around Corbett Center.

The Wedding Day

So on the wedding day, Mama and Daddy took me back to Roswell. I got all dressed up in my black pants and red shirt! I even wore my boots – there was talk of my spurs, but in the end, it was just the boots. There was lots of running around and picture taking, then it was time to go. I was leery at first – I wasn’t sure I wanted to go down that big long aisle – even with my pillow. But I decided to go anyway. About halfway up I found a little boy just my size, so I stopped to visit, but not for long. I saw Grandma at the front so I went the rest of the way down the aisle and gave Uncle Shawn the pillow. After that I mostly sat in Grandma’s lap and drank juice. Then there was more picture taking. I was pretty hot by then, so Mama let me take off my boots and pants and since the shirt was long sleeved that went, too. I felt so much better once I was cool – Mama went to get my other clothes, but she wasn’t fast enough! I did some streaking around the chapel and kept everyone on their toes! I was really happy for Uncle Shawn and my new Aunt Tabitha, but I was even happier to go to the reception and eat!

Cousins, Cousins!

Between the Rehearsal and Wedding I got to play with my cousins!! It was really fun. Jaycie and Caleb came from San Antonio and Kyle rode over with them. I even met a new cousin (2nd or 3rd or something) named Brittany. We hung out at Ma & Pa’s and had fun, fun, fun! Then I had to go and get a haircut for the wedding. I was much better behaved this time than the first time I got a haircut and I looked great for the wedding!


I got to be the ring bearer for Uncle Shawn’s wedding. That sounds really important, but in the end it meant carrying a pillow. We started out rehearsing so I would know how to carry the pillow and where to go. It was a big chapel and a long walk to the front. I was pretty sure I was suppose to stay up front with Brother Herb and help officiate, but everyone else insisted I sit down. The best part was going to dinner with everyone and getting to play. I even took a spin around the restaurant in Daddy’s hat before everyone took turns flying me around in Mama’s crate, even my new Aunt Tabby took a turn!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Sometimes Mama shares her Oreos with me. I eat all the cream and then kind of suck on the cookie part. This is what I look like when I am done. Look closely and you can see Oreo on my chest and legs as well as my face! I don’t understand why Mama won’t give me a whole one anymore!

Happy 4th of July

Wow – 4th of July was FUN! We went to El Paso to pick up Mama’s new minivan. It is like a big playhouse on wheels. We stopped at Furs on the way home and there was a clown who made me my very own balloon puppy dog. Daddy bought me my own fireworks, too and we lit them in the backyard. I spent some time playing with the little boy in the door. When it was dark enough, we started with poppers – I don’t like to throw them, but I could dance on them and make them pop. We made lots of things light up and go bang. I got tired before Daddy, so we had to quit, but I sure like the 4th of July.

Farmer Denny

My garden is growing! It is very exciting. I must be a better farmer than I thought because I am growing frogs! We have one little one and one really fat one. I even helped Daddy plant some new plants – I know there will be blooms coming soon!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Lynette

Last weekend we got to go to a birthday party for Aunt Lynette. I played with a bunch of cousins and got to see all the turtles. I like the little turtles – there are 18 or so, but I was not too sure about Ziggy – he is Uncle Rex’s big turtle – he made me a little nervous. I had sooo much fun! We were glad to be included in the party!